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Album Researched Essay

Album Researched Essay

Q Album Research Assignment (2000 words) Choose an album by an African American musician or group who was performing professionally before 1980. Make an argument about why this album is uniquely significant. Explain how the artist and album relate to other genres, sub genres, and the history in African American music and cultural history. Analyze the album in terms of musical elements, lyrics, artist performance of gender/race norms. As always, you should cite any outside sources that you use to complete this essay. Not citing your sources is plagiarism. Please use MLA format for these citations. This assignment is due Friday, July 2 at 11 pm. You should have at least 5 sources from outside of the course and 5 sources that have been included in course content, so that you can develop a rich conversation among musicians and music scholars. Like your first essay "your answers should be very specific and cite numerous examples from both course content and outside sources. Your essay should demonstrate that you are very familiar with the assigned course content."

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Jimi Hendrix, known as a singer, song writer and guitarist, was born on November 27, 1942. He was attracted towards music from a young age because he learnt to play guitar when he was a teenager. People hardly knew then that a rock legend was on the making as they saw him strumming a broom in the style of a guitar. Looking at his dedication his father had gifted him a one string ukulele. His was at the peak of his career for a span of only four years but as a guitarist the music world has rarely seen anyone like him.